Hi! My name is Adi Renaldi. I am an award-winning and award-losing multimedia journalist based in Jakarta, Indonesia. My works have been published by renowned international publications such as WIRED UK, MIT Technology Review, National Geographic, LA Times, the Washington Post, NPR, and many others, and have been honored by various international and regional awards, including SOPA Awards and The Telly Awards.

Before freelancing, I worked as a staff writer at VICE, having spent three years and 10 months covering religious terrorism, culture, politics, and some weird stuff. I currently serve as an In-depth editor at Tirto.id, juggling my time between commissioning journalists, editing stories, and leading cross-border collaborations.

When I am not in the field capturing stories on the environment, human rights, technology, and culture, I am most likely spend my time gravel biking, reading, writing poetry, and collecting books, boots, outdoor gear, and vinyl. I am struggling to finish my first book that will hopefully see the light of day in 2022.

Check my website here: www.adirenaldi.com

Adi Renaldi

Adi Renaldi

Jakarta-based freelance multimedia journalist. Award-winning and award-losing. Has written for various publications around the world. www.adirenaldi.com